Table Of Contents
Larry A. Wall Award
Golden PERL Award
Platinum PERL Award
Diamond PERL Award


Perl Recognition & Honors

  • The Perl Committees collectively administer a number of awards to thank and recognize those in the Perl community found to be the hardest working and most beneficial to Perl.
  • The recipients of each award are determined by either a pre-defined set of criteria for the petitionable honors, or by a democratically-operated vote for the invitational honors.
  • All honors are awarded in person during the annual Perl committee convention.
  • The goal is to provide motivatation leading to major ongoing Perl accomplishments both inside and outside our committees.


The Perl Committee Founders' Award

  • The Larry A. Wall Award is given in recognition of successfully completing at least one paper, poster, or project within the first year of a Perl committee's formal chartering.
  • This award includes a formal framed certificate, along with a gold-plated medallion which may be worn either from a neck ribbon or from a chest ribbon.
  • The color of the ribbon used in the certificate, neck ribbon, and chest ribbon is color-coordinated based on each recipient's affiliated Perl committee(s): red for science, white for data types, and blue for AI.
  • Recipients may receive multi-colored ribbons by completing multiple different projects across multiple different Perl committees.
  • This award may only be earned once per recipient, per committee.
  • The goal is to provide motivation for the creation of new Perl committees.


The People's Choice Award

  • The Golden PERL Award is given in recognition of overall greatest contribution to the world-wide Perl community over the past year.
  • This award includes a formal framed certificate, along with a gold-plated real pearl medallion which may be worn either from a neck ribbon or from a chest ribbon, as well as a desktop real golden-hued pearl trophy.
  • The color of the ribbon used in the certificate, neck ribbon, and chest ribbon is gold.
  • This award may only be earned once per recipient.
  • The goal is to provide motivation for the global promotion of Perl.


The Benevolent Service Award

  • The Platinum PERL Award is given in recognition of overall greatest contribution to the Perl committees over the past year.
  • This award includes a formal framed certificate, along with a gold-plated real pearl medallion which may be worn either from a neck ribbon or from a chest ribbon, as well as a desktop real platinum-hued pearl trophy.
  • The color of the ribbon used in the certificate, neck ribbon, and chest ribbon is platinum.
  • This award may only be earned once per recipient.
  • The goal is to provide motivation for the operation of the Perl committees.


The Editor's Choice Award
of Technical Excellence

  • The Diamond PERL Award is given in recognition of overall best paper, poster, or project in a Perl committee over the past year.
  • This award includes a formal framed certificate, along with a gold-plated real pearl medallion which may be worn either from a neck ribbon or from a chest ribbon, as well as a desktop real diamond-hued pearl trophy.
  • The color of the ribbon used in the certificate, neck ribbon, and chest ribbon is diamond.
  • This award may only be earned once per recipient.
  • The goal is to provide motivation for the technical excellence in Perl.