The Perl Community Roadmap is a collection of centralized plans & resources available here,
implemented & distributed by the decentralized Perl Mongers groups around the world.
Yes, that means YOU!
The Managed Decline of Perl
"If the Perl community cannot attract beginner users like Python successfully has,
it runs the risk of ... dwindling away to a standstill; vast repositories of
hieroglyphic code looming ... like the halls of the Mines of Moria"
Dice Insights, August 2018
"Still today the Perl community hasn't defined a clear future, and as a consequence,
it is slowly fading away."
Programmer News, April 2018
Put Perl Back On Top
Achieve #1 TIOBE Rank
Save the World
* Perl curriculum in every school
* Perl jobs in every company
* Perl apps on every device
* Perl accessible to every person
* Perl as the fastest language
* Perl as the most popular language
Perl classes should be taught in every high school, college, and university. We will start by targeting teenagers, who are most likely to be interested in becoming software developers.
Perl jobs should be created at every corporation, non-profit group, and NGO. We will start by implementing machine learning algorithms, which are central to modern industry trends.
Perl software should be used on every mobile device, personal computer, and supercomputer. We will start by implementing 3D graphics rendering systems, which can be utilized by games, VR, AR, scientific applications, etc.
Perl should be easier to access than every other computer programming language. We will start with OS-specific installers, OS-independent containers, and the CloudForFree platform.
Perl should be faster than every other computer programming language. We will start with the RPerl optimizing and auto-parallelizing compiler.
Perl should be more ubiquitous than every other computer programming language. We will start with a digital advertising campaign for software development news websites.
Organizing Perl's Future
No Programmer Left Behind
Programming Makes The World Go Round
Variety Is The Spice Of Programming
Make Every Single Program
Accessible To Every Single Person
Programs Have A Serious Need For Speed
Our Programming Culture Is Our Brand
The Programming Language
Formerly Known As Perl 6
"In 2012 I created the RPerl compiler and helped found the Perl 11 movement. The Perl Community Roadmap is the culmination of many decades of hard work and dedication. We are standing on the shoulders of giants."
Will 'the Chill' Braswell
President, Austin Perl Mongers
"My passion is Perl, and my goal is for Perl to meet the increasingly-complex needs of the global technology industry. I have been working with the Perl 11 team for several years, and I personally helped develop the Perl Community Roadmap. Let's work together to help make Perl better, faster, and stronger than ever!"
Tommy Butler
President, Dallas Perl Mongers
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